Stefan Smulovitz

I created Kenaxis out of a need to explore new sounds in an intuitive way. Coming from a background as an improvising violist, I wanted to create an instrument that would be fast and flexible enough to react to any musical situation.

If you would like to hear some of my music you can hear my solo work at MySpace and my duet work with vocalist Viviane Houle at Cellar Live.

Stefan Smulovitz – Vancouver, BC – creator of Kenaxis

Pessi Parviainen

I have used Kenaxis for preparing soundtracks for installations and performances. It is an intuitive tool for mixing and manipulating sound files on the fly, making it a breeze to prepare what I need. Most recently, I used Kenaxis in the Amorph!08-festival in Helsinki, in making a soundtrack that played in a park.
Besides that, Kenaxis is also an interesting digital expansion for my improv guitarism.

I just did another show with Kenaxis, running about in a café with a wireless mic, sampling things and people. The attached mp3 is from that particular mayhem..

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Pessi Parviainen – Interdisciplinary artist – Helsinki, Finland

Eric Powell

I use Kenaxis both in the studio and in live performance. I find it to be one of the most intuitive granulation programs I have used. The functionality and ease of use separates Kenaxis from other sound generation programs. The wonderful utility of Kenaxis as an all-in-one program comes the seamless integration of granulation, looping and other generative functions with the MIDI live performance interface and the VBAP diffusion generators.
– Eric Powell, Composer/Sound Designer, Vancouver BC /Regina SK